Thursday, April 26, 2012

Long vs Short

So how is this lovely day treating you?

I wanted to discuss short nail vs. long nails today, and why I love each :)

So in general, my nail grow pretty quickly, so I have long nails most of the time, meaning that when I do get around to cutting them, it feels really weird, especially to type!
  Also, I  don't like the way my fingers look with short nails, I feel like they look shorter and chubbier, even though it's probably partially the contrast between long and short.
  On the other hand, there are some colors that I won't wear when my nails are long, for instance red, because a. I think it can tend to look tacky (no offense!), and b. I love the way short red nails look! There's something so effortless and trying while not trying-ish about it. Do I sound bananas? Probably.
                                               (Image credits: Top, google images, Bottom, weheartit)
Anyway, there are definitely pros and cons with long and short nails, but really, you should wear whatever tickles your tomato, and leave it at that.