Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hello Old Friends!


I'm sorry for not posting for a while, life is pretty busy!

So first thing, shout out to fellow ballerinas, whoo!

Okay, show of hands, who has a Facebook account? I did, and until recently, I was what you might call "addicted". And trust me, being online all day ain't fun... I was constantly feeling guilty because I was spending more time with my Facebook than with my family. Until yesterday. Yesterday, I deactivated my account, and it was very freeing! So if you have a similar problem, try going through three or four days without it, and you'll be surprised!

So, on a lighter note here's a horoscope:

Beware of: Hazelnuts, film canisters, and lightening.

Enjoy: Victor Wooten, base guitars (okay so I'm obsessed), and cornflakes.

Give someone in your life some TLC today, k?

Ciao for now,

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